Adirondack American Wooden Chairs Built in Italy
Adirondack Tribute is produced by Casa Tua srl U.p
Based in 30014 Cavarzere(VE)IT
​Via Vitt.Veneto 21
Tel.+39 042653139 email
C.F P.iva 03658230275 REA 327170
Adirondack Tribute
© 2020 Adirondack Tribute
Adirondack tribute Foldable Cedrina
Western Red Cedar
or Western Red Cedar (to be distinguished from the Cedar of Lebanon) is a wonderful tree that grows mainly in the state of Canada. More precisely in British Columbia. The beautiful natural pinkish color, combined with the intense fragrance it emits, the low specific weight (approx. 370kg/mc), are the characteristics that attract.
The most important peculiarity of this essence is its extraordinary resistance to mold, bacteria, and woodworms. Some may remember wooden balls in wardrobes to keep moths away from clothes.
To all this, we add an extraordinary resistance to atmospheric agents. Even in the absence of treatments.
Its specific weight of approx. 370kg/mc means that our Adirondack Cedrina weighs, despite the thickness of the components, only 12 Kg.
All moving parts have plastic bearings to prevent wood wear.
The screws that act as pivots have bushings also made of plastic material.
Adirondack tribute Cedrina
Adirondack QUEEN Natural Painted
KING with retractable footrest