
Adirondack American Wooden Chairs Built in Italy
Adirondack Tribute is produced by Casa Tua srl U.p 
Based in 30014 Cavarzere(VE)IT 
​Via Vitt.Veneto 21
Tel.+39 042653139 email
C.F P.iva 03658230275  REA 327170
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Adirondack Tribute
© 2020 Adirondack Tribute

See How Our Adirondack Chairs Are Built


The Adirondack Project

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Our Adirondack-tribute chair

We designed these Adirondack chairs with the intention of ensuring that all our customers can easily assemble and disassemble them just as easily in case of moving or maintenance. Or in the event of any wood shrinkage, to restore the chair's stability.
The components that make up the Adirondack chair will allow you to create your unique product. You can choose to receive them raw and customize them as you wish, or request them already treated with eco-friendly water-based paint. In both cases, the quality of our Adirondack chairs is guaranteed.

The Assembly of the Adirondack Chair, Simple and Fast


Assembly is facilitated thanks to the use of threaded bushings and screws with Ma threading in stainless steel in the construction of the components.

An Allen key and a 13mm wrench (provided) will be enough to use your ADIRONDACK chair after just a few minutes. The limitation of visible screws on the boards that make up the seat of the Adirondack chair and in all horizontal components, besides being an aesthetic factor, gives the Adirondack-tribute greater durability when exposed to weather conditions.

Here is our Adirondack assembled

Work as Passion

Here it is, your Adirondack ready to be enjoyed. In moments of relaxation, for reading a good book or sipping a good glass of wine in the company of friends.

We made these Adirondack chairs while maintaining their original design. Wide armrests, comfortable seat, inclined backrest. We enhanced them with important details, rounded all their elements, and made them less angular. We built them for easy assembly, so they can be assembled with extreme ease and just as easily disassembled. The operation to assemble the most important parts is crucial, using threaded bushings. With this old system, it is possible to tighten those components that may be subject to shrinkage due to the chair's exposure to atmospheric agents. Our Adirondack tribute has generous dimensions and in some cases may cause some problems for transport. In this case, the easy disassembly of its armrests will reduce it by a good 36cm. The external width of the armrests is about 85cm, the seat width is 48cm, the depth is 100cm, and the height of its backrest is 100cm.

All the processing phases of our Adirondack are carried out manually, requiring precision and time. Only a keen eye can understand its meaning and importance. Certainly, this Adirondack tribute, if compared to other Adirondacks on the market, will seem expensive, but the time.............


When work is a passion and your clients become people who share what you produce with your skills, you are no longer working.

You are having fun